What to Expect for an Initial Visit

First visits include discussion about your medical history and current symptoms of concern. Following evaluation a typical treatment lasts around 30 minutes after insertion of needles. If medically necessary patients may also receive cupping therapy, custom herbal formulas, electrical stimulation, nutritional counseling or be sent out for laboratory testing. 

A treatment plan is then discussed with each patient to answer questions about expected outcomes, length of time to resolve condition or plan to manage chronic issues and any self-care regimens that will aid in healing.

Atwater Village - Mondays 9am-6pm, Tuesdays 9am-6pm and Saturdays 9am-4pm

SilverLake - Wednesdays 9am-1pm

To schedule an initial visit please complete the following or contact via email at - Scheduling@Rayoflightacupuncture.com